Monday, December 16, 2013

Test Posting Source Code

long some_function();
/* int */ other_function();
/* int */ calling_function()
    long test1;
    register /* int */ test2;
    test1 = some_function();
    if (test1 > 0)
          test2 = 0;
          test2 = other_function();
    return test2;

Credit to: Prikario.blogspot

With Love,


Manusia..lumrah kadang-kadang turun dan naik..Istiqamah...istiqamah n teruskan usaha untuk istiqamah..

PS: On the project presentation week..please pray for us.. :S

With Love,

Saturday, December 14, 2013


لسَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُl

The difference between high achievers and the unsuccessful is! looks like i have a beneficial article here to share with..could there be some tips that can be used in my daylife?

What is grit actually means? haa..grit is endurance, patient in hardworking, consistent (istiqamah) and put high effort into your malay grit means "ketabahan" and "kecekalan hati". I think those are the best sentences to describe GRIT in my own words and what i understand about. You can read further more about grit HERE. In that article it mention about how to increase your grittiness.

Duckworth says there are three main qualities:
  1. Optimism and a growth mindset (versus believing you can't really change much)—so you can overcome setbacks
  2. Working on things that you really value and are passionate about
  3. Not putting a high value on the costs of working very hard: Really gritty people are not constantly worried about what they could be doing instead."

Am i grit enough to achieve my dreams?

"Work Hard Play Smart"

With Love,

Friday, December 13, 2013

Berita baik!

Salam Jumaat yang indah,

Excited! Excited! Excited! tatau nak start dari mana..tak sangka harini hari yang sangat bertuah..ya Allah..aku sangat-sangat bersyukur tak terkata..walaupun aku ni jahat, Allah tetap monitor aku, tetap buat aku happy..yang pentingnya, tetap sayang aku..tak pernah Dia lupakan aku walaupun aku yang lemah ni selalu melupakanNya..

Start from the beginning, tengahari tadi aku pegi lab..ingat nak lepak kat sana..tak sangka pulak supervisor aku ada..dia inform kat aku, next week dia takde..masalahnya...aku nak present dah next week..macam mana???? tak tak ape dia jawab "present jela"..baiiikkkk...

Sembang punya sembang, dr buat ayat pancing.. "kesian projek ni..terbengkalai camtu ja...kesian dia.." aihhhh...aku paham sangat..nak suruh aku sambung projek under dia la tuuu..aku bagi alasan, nak keja dulu la..nak ape la..padahal aku ade plan lain XD

Pandai sv aku pancing sampai dia dapat tangkap ape plan aku...ahahaha..dia tanya: kalau saya jadi co-supervisor,nak? kita buat satu proposal..hantar kat member saya..kamu berminat tak?? pucuk dicita ulam mendatang...aku terus setuju, kot!! confident je macam mak ayah aku bagi..ahahaha..itu belakang cerita..boleh setel kemudian..ape yang penting, peluang da ade, jalan dah nampak, tak payah segan-segan nak berusaha..yeay!! gambate nehhh!

With Love,